Saturday, June 19, 2010

Current location....

Currently taking a zero day in NJ with my buddy Paul. Finally made it out of Rocksylvania and my feet are loving it. New Bearsey has lived up to it nick name. Saw 7 bears in the last few days. We are heading into Hoboken to watch a little World Cup and then maybe into NYC for a bit. It should be interesting to actually be in a metro area after having been in the woods for this long. Almost a month and 300 plus miles into the trip so far and it has been fantastic. My body has finally made it into trail shape and the pack keeps feeling lighter and lighter. Had to slow the mileage per day this last week in order to get together with Paul this weekend but it ended up being a real treat to just move at a slower pace. Long lunches and afternoon naps in the grass are great for morale. Rained for 3 days last week and had my first "Why the hell am I doing this?" moment. It was storming like crazy and the trail had turned into a foot deep stream. Lightning was crashing all over the place, my feet hurt and I was cold. Set my tent up in the rain and spent a cold, miserable night hope a tree wouldn't fall on me. Next morning was perfect and while I was having my oatmeal and letting my gear dry in the sun watching the birds all around me I knew that this was why I was doing this. It's cliched but you have to have a bad day to appreciate the good ones. Even a bad day on the trail is better then most other days working. No complaints from me.  


  1. I laid in the grass under a black walnut tree on Saturday pretending I was in the mountains. It was great fun. I smiled thinking of you doing something similar I am sure. Peace be with you, Dad

  2. Hi - any chance that you are still in the NYC area? i'd love to see you!!!
