Monday, July 26, 2010


What to say, what to say? Climbed up and over MT. Moosilaucke the day before yesterday. 2800 ft in three mile is about the same as two hours on a stair climber with 30 lbs. pack when the steps are all uneven and about a foot tall. It's was a good introduction to the White's. The terrain here is rugged in a way that reminds me of the Rocky's but the amount of rain is way more like the Smokies. Imagine climbing for 2 hours up a boulder field next to a steam. Now put the stream in the middle of the boulder field and that is what the last two days have been both up and down.
      It's is still amazing. I'll take 2 hours of climbing over 4 hours of the green tunnel in PA. The trail and views are just fantastic. I've had some nice trail magic and met some great folks over the last few days. Spent the night on Friday at a new friends place on Lake Armitage outside of Pike, NH. More involved story so that will have to wait. Spent last night at Lake Lonesome Hut and exchanged minimul labor for a bunk, dinner, and breakfast. Love the White's. Time is up and I have miles to makes. Love Ya'll. Apple Juice
p.s. my phone died. Should have a new one in week. just fyi

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some wildlife pictures

Angry Porcupine from the other day
Lovely Luna Moth on the trail.
Huge Timber rattler
My favorite! Mother Doe feeding two fawns. Look carefully, you can see the second neck.
Closeup of another porcupine

Getting ready for the Whites.

Well, I've made it though 700 + miles without any permanent damage to mind, body, or soul. Done with the Green mountains and will be into New Hampshire tomorrow. Looking forward to the cooler weather and some great climbs. Vistas everywhere is what I here from all the south bounders. I've finally met a few in the last couple of days. It's good to know that I will not be doing the second half of the trail by myself! Vermont has been a wonderful hike. Now onto the hardest, according to some, section of the trail. Weather is so changeable that you can get snow pretty much any month of the year.  As of Thursday I will have been on the trail for two months. It is crazy to realize how far I've come and a bit daunting to think of with is still to come. Mostly this is an amazing time and thanks to all of you for the support! Back to the trail to make some more miles before dark.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRUMPY!!!!!! Wish you could be here hiking with me. Love ya.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Loving Vermont!

Currently in Killington, VT waiting for Rose and Tom to join me for lunch. They just happen to be on their way home to Syracuse from Maine today. Got to love serendipity. Beautiful last few days with only a little rain. Had an encounter with a very grumpy porcupine yesterday. Ten minute face off before it finally left the trail. Took some good pictures though. I should be out of the Greens and onto NH by the end of the week.

Apple Juice----------
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Friday, July 16, 2010

Finally got a few pictures up yesterday. Hopefully the next library won't have a time limit! Heading out to finish the Green mountains over the next few days. Already climbed 1600 ft today and still feeling grand. It's amazing what a real bed and a steak dinner can do for the soul. Off for another 13 miles and a swim in Lake Griffin. Life is good.

Apple Juice----------
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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day in the life

My Home

Typical Shelter with gear
Resupply equals a happy hiker
My Vehicle

Laundry Day with Traveler and Walking Man

This should hopefully give you an idea of what day to day life on the trail looks like. Running out of time at the library so more pics at the next stop. Hope all is well with everyone.

Finally.... pics

Well finally found a town with the stuff that I needed so now we can add some pics. It's kind of hard to play catch up with the 300 or so pictures I've taken so far so I'll add a bit as I go. Currently still in Manchester Center, VT at the library. Hoping to be in NH within the week and then it is on to the White Mountains. The landscape is really starting to change from what I've seen so far. Trees, wildlife, and geology all give me the impression that not only have a wandered but I've wandered far. Hoping to summit Katahdin around the 20th of August. Then back south for the second half. Now on to some other posts with pics!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm in Manchester Center, VT and finally found a store w/ a card reader. So tomorrow it's off to the library to add some visuals to the blog. Should also have some more thoughs about life on the trail.

Apple Juice----------
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Monday, July 12, 2010

Morning from the trail.

Lovely morning watching the sunrise after a short day yesterday. Watched the world cup final with Brian yesterday to end our weekend hike. Hoping for some cool temps and more mileage today. Into the Green mountains over the next week so I'll see if I really have my trail legs soon. Miss ya'll

Apple Juice----------
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Checking in...

Made it to North Adams, MA. Doing laundry then back to the trail. Looking forward to hiking with Brian P. for the next 2 days. He'll meet me tonight then we are off to VT on sat! One more state down! Miss ya'll.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Farmer Apple Juice

I can now add "Farmer" to my resume. I'm staying at Moon in the Pond farm outside of Sheffield, MA through tonight. The owner Dominic invites folks to work for stay. It's a beautiful organic meat and produce farm in the Berkshires. You get a place to tent, shower, laundry, and food in exchange for helping out on the farm. Yesterday, I fed chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, and a calf. This was just the morning chores before breakfast! Afternoon was driving stakes for tomatoes, i.e. 50 or so, then it was off to pick up hay bales from a neighbors farm. 4 of us collected and stacked around 240 bales. Trust me that is a fair amount of work. Evening before dinner you have to get the chickens, turkeys, etc back into their respective homes. Joe, one the workers here says I have a talent for turkey wrangling. Dinner is all stuff from the farm and plenty of it. Steak, potatoes and raspberry custard Having a lovely time and the invitation to stay longer stands but I need to get back on the trail. I could easily end up staying longer than intended if I don't get out now. Too much really good food and great company. Thanks to all the follower that have pledged. I keep ya'll updated as I get north.