Sponsor/Pledge Sheet
2010 Appalachian Wander-A-Thon
for Breast Cancer
Sponsoring or pledging towards AJ’s Thru-Hike of the Appalachian Trail will benefit migrant and uninsured women through the Parish Nurses in the Outreach program at St. Joseph ’s Women’s Hospital Breast Center. Check out the Breast Cancer Awareness page to see how your pledge will benefit women with breast cancer in the Tampa Bay area.
You can sponsor/pledge at the following level:
A penny per mile:….. $21.78 for 2,178 miles
$10 for 1,000 miles
$5 for 500 miles
A dime per mile: …… $217.80 for 2,178 miles
$100 for 1,000 miles
$50 for 500 miles
A quarter per mile:…..$544.50 for 2,178 miles
$250 for 1,000 miles
$125 for 500 miles
A dollar per mile:…….$2,178 for 2,178 miles
$1,000 for 1,000 miles
$500 for 500 miles
When I have finished hiking (hopefully 2,178 miles, but at the very least 100 miles), I will notify everyone via email of the final number of miles hiked and donation amounts. Checks made out to St. Joseph ’s Hospital Foundation can then be sent to me for delivery or directly to St. Joseph ’s. Please include “Andrew Tobey Sponsored Hike” in the memo line.
Email your sponsor/pledge level directly to AJ using the form below or mail this sponsor sheet to:
Andrew Tobey's House
1469 Ventnor Ave